Need for a new ad-targeting model !!

2 min readDec 25, 2017

If you are using the internet in any form, you cannot hide from painful advertisements. And many times you see the advertisement exactly what you want or thinking to buy and this is so good.

But is it.

We need to think about it deeply. When you are hit upon by an advertisement which you are only thinking to buy, one thing you should do is to question whether you know better or do the ad service knows better about you??

An endless number of times we have seen the Twitter posts and Fb post describing their experience of seeing ads which they haven’t even searched for, only had a conversation with a friend about it. This suggests something very frightful.

Are they listening to us without consent? Maybe yes or maybe not. But one thing is very clear, we don’t own our data on the net. That’s how we are able to use these all services for free. Because we barter our data with these services.

But what can we do… Do we have any options??

Yes we do. We need to own our data. We don’t hate the ads. We only hate the fact our data is owned by others and they are earning much more than what we may be potentially be paying for their service we are using.

But how to actually own our data at our PC and also reap the benefit of free services…. Oh yeah, we are coming to your rescue… We are working on the same problem and happy to announce that in a short period of time it will be available at your doorstep.

Thanks for reading.

Have any doubt or want to be part of our team… mail to:

