200 Deep Answers to Know Me

15 min readJun 24, 2020

I found these 200 Questions here. It said the questions are enough to know someone very well. So i thought why not i know myself.

So, No actual need to read unless you want to know me… But if you do, Please tell me what do you think about me for sure :)

Here i go… Its 11:40 PM of 23rd June 2020.

(Questions To Ask If You Want To Get To Know Someone On A Deeper Level)

1. What’s your philosophy in life?
Ans. I don’t think i have certain philosophy. Just that i wish me and my family to be happy.

2. What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself?
Ans. Bit more hard-working and serious maybe or maybe not :p

3. Are you religious or spiritual?
Ans. Don’t know. But i don’t easily miss halwa, kheer or any prashad, irrespective of place of worship.

4. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Ans. Somewhere in between.

5. Which parent are you closer to and why?
Ans. Both without being Diplomatic. Ok maybe mom more. Defence demands a lot of your time.

6. What was the best phase in your life?
Ans. May be school. Not sure how to quantize.

7. What was the worst phase in your life?
Ans. Last year of college had many lows if that’s way to define worst phase but it sure did had many highs too. So don’t know.

8. Is what you’re doing now what you always wanted to do growing up?
Ans. “Growing up” is not a small time to have constant dream. But Yes, kind of doing what i want to do.

9. What makes you feel accomplished?
Ans. Small thing like making a chai if in right mood and if not then….hehe

10. What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?
Ans. I don’t have a favorite one. Keeps changing with time.

11. What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
Ans. Missing respect.

12. Are you more into looks or brains?
Ans. First i thought i was in looks but not now. Brains definitely.

13. Would you ever take back someone who cheated?
Ans. I don’t think emotions ever die but self-respect will guide in better direction.

14. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner?
Ans. I am kind of a person who won’t share anything but if you win my trust i will share anything.

15. When do you think a person is ready for marriage?
Ans. Mia biwi razi tab karo re sadi :p

16. What kind of parent do you think you will be?
Ans. I think i will be quite a cool parent :)

17. What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner?
Ans. I can very well make my parents agree to my terms. You know being good boy wand helps.

18. Who is that one person you can talk to about just anything?
Ans. Having one person you can talk about everything is quite romanticized i guess. But there can be a few close one whom i can share “nearly” everything.

19. Do you usually stay friends with your exes?
Ans. Don’t have an ex yet :(

20. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
Ans. No and i don’t know how will it be and wish it never happen.

21. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?
Ans. Left Alone…

22. What’s an ideal weekend for you?
Ans. Don’t practically have a thing for weekends.

23. What do you think of best friends of the opposite sex?
Ans. Lucky me.

24. Do you judge a book by its cover?
Ans. Yes i do but don’t enforce that judgement quite consciously and let things open up naturally.

25. Are you confrontational?
Ans. No, unfortunately i guess.

26. When was the last time you broke someone’s heart?
Ans. I don’t exactly know but i may have broken some and i am don’t feel proud of it at all.

27. Would you relocate for love?
Ans. That will be fun :D

28. Did you ever write a journal?
Ans. Yupp…Back in Jan last year i guess and after that sometimes occasionally.

29. What are you most thankful for?
Ans. Without being diplomatic, I am really Thankful to parents. They are gem i wish to make happy and proud

30. Do you believe in second chances?
Ans. Yes.

31. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
Ans. In recent years i have tried to turn into an extrovert from an introvert and that have led to a lot of misunderstanding in first meeting. Can’t make distinctive list though.

32. What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
Ans. With one or two friends at max and exploring some new but cool(temperature and otherwise too) place without much conflict. Solo is better just that, after some time i may get into overthinking.

33. What did your past relationship teach you?
Ans. Having respect for oneself and other person is so much necessary than having any other thing in your life.

34. What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder?
Ans. Options…

35. What’s on your bucket list this year?
Ans. Plans… Give me some time.

36. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
Ans. Had so many… But have you ever been to Kedarnath trek without any planning and bare minimum money and bus driver being drunk. Then you will get why do people in bus are doing ram ram :p

37. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?
Ans. … I don’t know.

38. If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
Ans. 1. Make travel and food free. 2. Make people smile a bit more. 3. Make the best people in my life stay forever happy.

39. What’s your biggest regret in life?
Ans. No particular regret as learning is inevitable. Just that i wish i can learn to express in better ways.

40. What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
Ans. Past and Future. I know its not good but i am already dating present :p every moment so.

(Questions To Ask Someone If You’re Just Starting To Get To Know Who They Really Are)

41. Does your job make you happy?
Ans. Yes if you can call it a job.

42. What did you want to be when you were younger?
Ans. Fighter pilot then Software engineer(don’t know how). Ended up being a mechanical one and not following that too.

43. Why did your last relationship end?
Ans. Didn’t had a relationship but one sided thing if i can call it ended because it was one sided for too long.

45. What’s been your biggest mistake so far in life and what did you learn from it?
Ans. Nothing when in small parts seems significant but are part of a big picture. Not following small parts religiously made the whole big picture shabby. Learnt to do “things” religiously.

46. Where is your favorite place in the entire world to go?
Ans. Home. Not the House.

47. What are your top five favorite movies?
Ans. Don’t have most favorite, forget about five.

48. What are some of your favorite songs?
Ans. Same as above. Keeps changing. But old is gold.

49. What qualities do you admire about your parents?
Ans. Way they keep all the toxicity out of life and live a simple life.

50. How would you describe your best friend?
Ans. Hu****.

51. What’s your favorite hobby to do alone?
Ans. Overthinking and if available then Music. Any kind actually.

52. What’s something you can’t go a day without doing?
And. Nothing in particular.

53. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done lately?
Ans. Shit i have not been spontaneous lately.

54. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?
Ans. Love…haha..so not defined. Still traveled to other city to meet her. Let’s not get into details. Ek tarfa pyar ki takat tum ka jano Mukesh babu.

55. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Ans. Bitching about third persons success.

56. Why do you think you’re still single?
Ans. There is a rule in physics. Body in motion or body at rest will be in that state until external force is applied :p

57. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Ans. I don’t think i have accomplished anything to be proud of yet.

58. What is one dream you have yet to accomplish?
Ans. Do you think, you have done everything you want to do for your parents. I think that dream may never be accomplished.

59. What is your greatest fear?
Ans. Losing people in life.

60. What are three things you value most about a person?
Ans. His/Her 1. Genuineness. 2. (need to think more, if got something will edit)

61. Who are five people you are closest with?
Ans. Ambiguous question :p

62. What is the greatest struggle you’ve overcome?
Ans. Self doubt.

63. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Ans. I am 24. How could i know where to settle. With family for sure.

64. What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened this past year?
Ans. Japan and Thailand trip around valentine. Met some cute people :p

65. What’s your favorite beer?
Ans. Don’t drink.

66. What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?
Ans. Amount of faith people put in fake leaders in spite on themselves.

67. Who are you closer with your mom or your dad?
Ans. Repeat question.

68. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Ans. Be more expressive without joking around. or Be more Hardworking.

69. If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
Ans. Maybe the fun we get from demeaning someone.

70. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Ans. I don’t get concept of favorite. Really. I can count 5–10 teacher right from 5th of whom i have good memories. Don’t know about the favorite.

71. What sport did you fall in love with?
Ans. None actually. Seems i am polyamourous. Running if need to name one. or Swimming. See, I am poly.

72. What is the weirdest thing about you?
Ans. Very moody.

73. What was your longest relationship?
Ans.With parents :p

74. What would your best friend say is your best quality?
Ans. Hmm… Depends on which one you ask.

75. Who is your favorite historical figure?
Ans. Subhash Chandra Bose

76. What made you choose the college you went to?
Ans. Rank and Branding. Also parents didn’t wanted me to take CS. But they did not knew mechanical is not that mechanical too :P

77. If you could tell your former self one thing right now what would it be?
Ans. Work more and harder.

78. What food could you not live without?
Ans. Namkeen.

79. Dogs or Cats?
Ans. Dogs ❤

80. What’s closest you’ve ever come to being arrested?
Ans. Actually been inside into a jail. Not arrested though.

81. What was your best birthday?
Ans. This year. Far away for 2nd year consecutively but this year had some big surprises. One of them was when my lovely iitk sister Shubhi gave virtually gathering all my known friends to her and surprise me. Also the love i got from people i met randomly but bonding turned so strong now i fear loosing them.

82. What’s one thing you wish you knew how to do?
Ans. I wish i knew how to examine a human medically and emotionally.

83. Where’s one place you’d like to go that you haven’t been?
Ans. For now, it’s North East India. Meghalaya is too much beautiful.

84. What was the last book you read? And When?
Ans. Don’t make me think. 1 or 2 weeks back.

85. Where do you usually get your news?
Ans. Inshorts app.

86. What are some of your own personal goals in the next 5 years?
Ans. Being the best version of myself.

87. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment so far?
Ans. Repeat.

88. If you could get away with anything that you do?
Ans. Thinking about what other person might be thinking about me. Been away from what public think already.

89. Who is your greatest hero?
Ans. The lady on the street selling dhania to support herself and her family.

90. What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?
Ans. Ditching IIT placement is a risk ?? idk.

(Questions To Ask Someone If You Want Them To Bare Their Soul)

91. Why are we here?
Ans. NA. lol.

92. If heaven is real and you died tomorrow, would you get in?
Ans. Maybe. Depends on their entry criteria and seats available. hehe.

93. Do you believe in fate?
Ans. I think fate is moreover an excuse for uncontrollable things happening around us due to limited information.

94. How do you think people see you?
Ans. Who are the people. Ambiguous.

95. If you had the ability to erase something that you did in the past, what
would it be?
Ans. I am happy today. I won’t like to play with the timeline.

96. What song makes you unconditionally happy?
Ans. Mai nikla gaddi leke — Gadar Movie.

97. If you could have anybody else’s life, who’s would you take?
Ans. No-ones.

98. What fictional character do you most relate to?
Ans. Iron man :D

99. If I asked you at age 5 what you wanted to be when you grew up, what would you say?
Ans. Pilot. Fighter Pilot.

100. What is your biggest irrational fear?
Ans. Using wrong language in front of parents. Wakes me up from sleep if even dreaming.

101. If you could take us anywhere in the world right now, where would you take us?
Ans. Somewhere where i have never been to.

102. What is your biggest regret?
Ans. None really.

103. If you died tomorrow, what would you wish you had done?
Ans. shit..this is a good one. Maybe loved brother a bit more. Been harsh to cutie-pie. Then take parents out for fun. Haven’t really done that enough by myself.

104. Can you pin point the moment in your life where you were the happiest?
Ans. Nope.

105. What song makes you unconditionally sad?
Ans. Uffff….kyun janana he bhai.

106. If past lives are real, what was yours?
Ans. Army men. Just feels.

107. Have you ever seen something you can’t explain?
Ans. Yess. Seen one baba in village explain things about persons family and his farm just by seeing the wheat or some other grain brought by him.

108. What is your biggest accomplishment?
Ans. Kitna repeat bhai.

109. If you could do one thing without suffering the consequences, what would you do?
Ans. Relationship :P

110. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
Ans. Do you remember them actually?

Further questions are just too deep for me to answer now. Maybe Later.
(Today is 24 June 2020, 5 PM)

(Questions To Ask If You’re Ready To Know Dig Even Deeper)

111. What is the darkest thought you’ve ever had? What about the darkest thing you’ve never told anybody?

112. Is there something out there, a thought, an idea, a current event, or a fear that you find deeply unsettling?

113. What would you consider to be your deepest fear? (This question can be really telling of the depth or lack thereof of a person.)

114. Is there an activity that calms you? A place or a thing that makes you feel at ease?

115. What makes you feel uneasy? Overwhelmed? Anxious?

116. What is your favorite song and why?

117. Do you have a favorite book? A line in a piece of literature? A poem? Why do you relate to it?

118. What scene in a movie has evoked the most feelings out of you?

119. What do you do or where do you go when you need to be alone?

120. What makes you feel like you need to be alone?

121. Can you remember a time in your life you felt the most alive? Tell me everything about that memory.

122. When have you felt the lowest in your life?

123. Where have you felt the most failure? The most success?

124. Tell me about the facts or harsh truths you choose to ignore but know you shouldn’t.

125. When have you felt like you were living life to the fullest? When have you felt like you weren’t?

126. What is the first lie you ever told? Which is the biggest?

127. What is the first secret you ever kept from anybody? Which is the biggest?

128. Are you a religious or spiritual person? Tell me why and tell me how.

129. Have you always had the same political beliefs? Is there something that impacted them?

130. Where do you find meaning in your life?

131. Have you ever been in love? Tell me about the times you have been.

132. Tell me about the times someone broke your heart.

133. Why did you cry the last time you did so?

134. Have you ever cried tears of joy?

135. What did you do when you hurt someone the most?

136. If your life was a movie or a book what would be the title to it?

137. When have you caused the most harm to yourself?

138. What has been the biggest change you ever made that made you the most proud of yourself?

139. Think about the people you love the most in your life, what do you do for them?

140. Is home for you a place or a feeling? Describe that place or describe that feeling.

141. If you could be anywhere other than where you are right now, where would you be and what would you be looking at?

142. Have you ever questioned your sanity and why?

143. What is your most cherished childhood memory?

144. Have you ever had dreams about a past life?

145. Do you have any recurring dreams or nightmares?

146. Do you believe more in fate or that we are the creators of our own destinies because we are governed by free will?

147. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Elaborate on why or why not.

148. Would you find more comfort in the theoretical idea that that we were the most advanced species in outer space or would you find more comfort in the idea that we weren’t?

149. What would be your thought process if you were presented with irrefutable evidence that a god didn’t exist? What would be your thought process if you were presented with irrefutable evidence that a god
did exist?

150. What do you think was there before the universe came into creation?

151. Do you believe in other dimensions and parallel universes?

152. How do you define art?

153. If you could have the option of eradicating pain from your life would you choose to do so? Why or why not?

154. Is a life exclusive to pleasure (no suffering) worthwhile?

155. What do you think happens after death, if anything?

156. If you could be given the date of your death would you want to know it?

157. Presented with the opportunity to be immortal would you take it?

158. Would you rather be loved or love?

159. How do you define beauty?

160. Where does happiness come from? Define what happiness means to you.

161. Do you believe yourself to be truly free? If so, why? If not, what is holding you back?

162. Deja-vu: is there anything to it or merely coincidence?

(Unconventional Questions That Will Help You Get To Know Someone)

163. What was your father or mother like at home? How does he or she act different outside of family?

164. If you were given a choice to choose your manner of death, how would you die?

165. Tell me a really, really stupid joke that made you laugh.

166. Pick two out of physical chemistry, lifestyle compatibility, emotional compatibility and intellectual compatibility.

167. If you were forced to vote for one the biggest dictators of history, (Hitler, Mussolini, Mugabe, Mao, Saddam or Stalin), which one would you pick and why?

168. Show me a music track or a scene from a film that made you tear up.

169. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be and why?

170. If you were given a chance to explore the oceans, go to outer space or visit 50 different countries, which one you choose and why?

171. Do you think that men are more rational and women are more emotional?

172. Out of the negative emotions of greed, anger, jealousy and hate, which one would you say affects you the most?

173. Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm and initiative, which one is your biggest strength?

174. If you could be President of your country for an hour, what is the one thing that you would change?

175. Describe your best first kiss.

176. Has another’s pain ever given you joy? Be totally honest.

177. Tell me your biggest strength outside of your workplace.

178. If you were given a choice to turn into a zombie or to die, which would you pick?

179. If you had to pick one, what is the most important value you would teach your children? Honesty, Kindness or Courage?

180. Are you health conscious?

181. Name the one bad quality you wouldn’t mind in a partner.

182. Name the one worst quality you cannot tolerate in a partner.

183. Tell me your biggest supernatural or paranormal fear?

184. If you got a free cheque for $5,000 right this second, how would you use it?

185. Name one really surprising thing that set your heart pumping and gave you an adrenaline rush.

186. Tell me about the time you were so embarrassed in love, you wished you could disappear right there and then.

187. Have you ever been unable to sleep? What do you do with your time then?

188. Tell me about your biggest love regret that made you wish you could turn back time?

189. Do you believe in materialism or spirituality?

190. If you were forced to pick one religion on this planet, which one would it be and why?

191. What is the most romantic and loving thing you have ever done for somebody?

192. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done in your life?

193. What’s your day-to-day mantra?

194. What quote resonates with you more than any other?

195. What’s your anti-motto?

196. What trait do you envy in others?

197. What skill do you wish you had?

198. How do you wish to be remembered?

199. How would your best friend describe you in five words?

200. How would you summarize your life purpose?

